Aigues-Mortes and Esponella

8 maart 2022 - Esponellà, Spanje

Yesterday we left the campsite early mornings to get some breakfast and do some grocery shopping. On the parking of the shop we spend some time on Dax his homework before we drove in the direction of Aigues-Mortes. This small village is mainly known about the salt mining they do and the very well perceived city walls and tower from the 13th century. After some coffee on the terrace we explored the town a bit and got tickets to visit the walls that still surround the old city. It is a nice walk with much to explore along the way and great views. The kids are very interested in stories about knights, villains and kings and of course need to visit the prison. We pick up a sandwich after the tour and have lunch in the camper. We drive via the lagunes on the coast to spot some flamingo’s and arrive in Spain at the end of the afternoon.

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The campsite in Esponella is lovely, but we are the only guest at the moment, so it feels a bit desolate. But the kids approved the playground and everything is super clean so we are ready to stay for two nights.

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We spend today in and around Esponella and the campsite. Visited the ruins of the fortress that was located on top of the hill, they opened the swimming pool specially for us and it was impossible to get something to eat as the restaurants were all closed and no supermarket in the neighbourhood. Luckily we have some stock so no problem to cook with a bit of the leftovers and stuff from the freezer. 

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Tomorrow we will visit Gerona and head off to Barcelona. 


1 Reactie

  1. Nena:
    9 maart 2022
    Leuk verhaal weer! :)